All workshop details can also be found on the Bluebird Dreamweaver Facebook Page
PLEASE CONTACT ME DIRECTLY FOR WORKSHOPS/COURSES;- and we can arrange dates to suit your needs.
"We are what we think. Everything we are arises from our thoughts. With our thinking we create the world" Buddha.
I am approved by Sandra Ingerman to teach Shamans Path, Medicine for the Earth, Soul retrieval, Death and Dying and Extraction.
ALL Deposits are non refundable. Non transferable.
SHAMANIC RETREAT WITH BHOLA BANSTOLA, traditional Dhami/Jankri/Shaman from Nepal. prerequisite Journey skills.
Fully residential in Falkirk 20th to 23rd June 2024. Garuda. Please contact for further details.
This can be a once in a lifetime experience of a traditional Nepalese Shamanic Lineage. Or this can be an annual retreat to develop our own shamanic spiritual practices.
I have been doing courses with Bhola since 2015, I went to Nepal during the shamanic pilgramages in 2017 and 2018. And have been doing his indepth 2 years zoom lessons topics on the nepelese shamanic path, 2020 -2023. The opportunity to recieve these transmissions is a life changing gift from a well respected, humble and generous, genuine nepelese shaman of 27 generations. You will not be disappointed if you chose to join.
Bhola Banstola Nepalese Shaman welcomes you along to this magical residential workshop to immerse yourself in his indigenious healing and mystical traditions.
Prerequisites: A working knowledge of shamanic journeying is required. Maggie offer's in-depth workshops in shamanism and shamanic journeying, in Falkirk . Please contact directly for details.
The Teacher: Bhola Banstola is a Nepalese Shaman, born in the foothills of Mount Everest in the district of Bhojpur. At a very young age, he was chosen by the spirits of his ancestors to carry their message and healing traditions and recognised by his elders. Bhola received his training from his grandfather who was a skilful and well-known local shaman. He has also studied shamanism with different teachers in Nepal, Northeast India, Bhutan and parts of Sikkim and Darjeeling.
Bhola was educated in Nepal and India and has conducted extensive research on shamanism within different ethnic groups and traditions in his native country as well as in India and abroad. Bhola has spent long periods with Shamans in India, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet being a bridge between worlds and cultures. He has made a documentary of these healing arts, and has been working and teaching all over the world, including his native country, Asia, Europe and America.
To book your place, or for any further questions, please contact Also for Bhola he does do zooms if you are interested I can pass details.
use the contact page, or email
Sandra Ingerman's testimonial
"Bhola is an extraordinary shaman who is carrying down a beautiful tradition that he was initiated into by his grandfather. Bhola is a true example of a shaman who can walk into a room and uplift everyone and transform by his presence of light and love. His teaching style is filled with love, clarity, truth, wisdom, and humour. Everyone I know who has studied with Bhola has loved his workshop. And it is a true gift to receive a healing from Bhola. Do not miss any opportunity you have to work with Bhola!"
Sandra Ingerman is a shamanic practitioner and shamanic teacher, and author of 10 books including .
"Soul Retrieval" and "Medicine for the Earth."
All deposits are non refundable.
HOLLOW BONE. Cost £255 10-5pm. Prerequisite journey skills.
This is a brand new course I have been guided and delighted to write up. I am guided to write this shamanic workshop for the increasing interest in shamanism, and its a great starting point to see what being a shamanic practitioner is all about, we will learn how to keep ourselves safe. Buliding the foundation of any practise is of vital importance. Create an altar, call in, meet and connect with our guides and a view of the 3 worlds Shamans use. A light hearted fun loving look at where we want to go with shamanism, if it is really for us. As we step into the alternative realities one of the 3 worlds of non ordinary reality of a Shaman we become a bridge between the worlds to bring forward healing or for divination for others via our guides or ancestors; to do this we have to be grounded and have a look at the path ahead of us. This requires we also look at ourselves. As a result we may become much happier in our lives, as we reconnect to the ancient call of the shamans heart and re connect ourselves to Nature and rekindle the passion within our own souls.
The Wisdom of Words. Prerequisite Journey skills. These two days are open to anyone with Journey Skills. Or on request.
10am - 5pm. and 10- 2pm Cost £250. ALL DEPOSITS are NON REFUNDABLE I may transfer depending on circumstances. Balance of workshop is to be paid on the morning prior to starting the workshop, this honours and respects my teachings.
Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become,
Keep your words positive, because your words become,
Keep your behaviour positive, because your behaviour become,
Keep your habits positive, because your habits become,
Keep your values positive, because your values become,
Mahatma Gandhi.
The ancient cultures knew about the power of words, in some like ancient Egypt the power to manifest was so strong they were very careful as to what words they spoke aloud, and often spoke in coded language. Hebrew and Sanskript are vibrational languages, the vibration of a word goes up into the universe and comes back down as a physical manifestation.
A look at how we use words and the effects they are having on ourselves, others, and the environment; also what is happening in our inner worlds and our outer world. We create as we think, everything starts with a thought. Are our illnesses a result of this thinking. We are in a continous dialogue within, so a great way to have a deeper delve into what it is we are creating in our lives. What were we really thinking there. Do we really want that belief system to manifest into your reality. Or has that belief system already become your reality. A fantastic opportunity to learn new skills and use these to change what we want to be in the future. A fun filled experience with many laughs and much humour. This is a an adaption in part of Sandra Ingermans work and my own research.
A shamanic journeying work shop, bring along drums, rattles, notebooks and blankets and water bottles.
Please contact me for further details and or have a look on my bluebird dreamweaver facebook page.
Due to my food sensitivities I ask you to bring along food you want to eat.
Behind the Masks. Prerequisite journey skills.
A fun loving shamanic workshop, on the masks we are wearing in our lives. A look behind the scenes of ourselves to bring us understanding and harmony for the masks we wear on a daily basis. Using our journeying skills to connect with our allies to aid us to peel away our masks, so we can step into the world as our beautiful true loving self. This workshop was created by my guides after I was noticing how many different masks I had been hiding behind during my life. During an intense period of self discovery, peeling away and healing the layers of my inner world all these masks in this workshop were shown to me. The masks that were positive and the masks that were detrimental to my well being. A fun loving look at how we can become our true authentic selves, leave behind what no longer serves us, without giving ourselves the hard time we in the modern society have become so adept at doing. Be ready to take the next step into a vibrant future with our soul shining brightly.
Please contact me for further details. Or with a request for me to run this workshop on a date thats suitable for you. I will also be posting this to my bluebird dreamweaver facebook page.
DEATH, DYING AND PSYCHOPOMP. If you have a preference for dates plase ask me and I will accomodate to the best of my abilities. I can also do weekdays and differnt times as well as travel to venues. Always a pleasure to do this available dates when required.
10am - 5pm. (2 days) Prerequisite journey skills. £255
This is not depossession training.
This 2 day workshop takes a look at how we can be of help to those who are ill and getting ready to pass from this life into the realms beyond. In our society we have for too long seen death as a failiure instead of the beautiful transition it is. The role of the psychopomp also, the word psychopomp meaning leader of souls. A shaman works both with the living and the dead. An exploration of death and the dying process as we have become so afraid of dying, a look to see using our shamanic journeying skills how we can dissolve these fears for ourselves and our loved ones. A look at how a persons spirit gets stuck and becomes an earthbound spirit. Making peace and resolving any unfinished buisness with those who have already trancended this life.This is a Sandra Ingerman training, that I am approved to teach. I also add lots of my own experience as a psychopomp into these 2 days, and specially for those who are able to see ghosts and would like a better understanding of the possible reasons, or are seeking protective methods as they are afraid of the earthbound/ghosts , I add in the methods I personally use. Please bring along blankets, notebooks, drum/rattle and water bottle. I will provide a simple vegan lunch. However you are welcome to bring your own along too. Numbers are limited. For those who don't wish to participate in psychopomp thats ok you don't have to prices will be adjusted.
SHAMANS POWER PATH Prerequisites Journey skills, 10am-6pm Cost £255. ALL DEPOSITS are NON REFUNDABLE I may transfer depending on circumstances. Balance of workshop is to be paid on the morning prior to starting the workshop, this honours and respects my teachings.
This course is part of the shamanic practitioner training . (Prerequisites Journey skills and Hollow Bone, depending on experience.) In these two days we will discover the worlds of non ordinary reality that shamans travel to for healing methods, divintation on behalf of the self or others, to meet and talk with spirit guides and spirit animals. Discover how to unlock our hidden talents for healing and rediscover the magic of divination. We will meet our guides and power animals in these two days and experience giving and recieving a power retrieval. Journeying skills are required on this amazing weekend. With journeys to the upper world and the lower world meeting and connecting on a profound level with our teachers, guides and power animals, a necessary first step on the ladder to becoming a shamanic practitioner, skilled in the ways of the ancient shamanic practises of traditional indigenous shamans. Buiding a working, respectful, honouring relationship with our guides/gaurdiands/allies/ancestors/power animals. A sense of how we give our power away, steal power from others. A weekend of shamanic fun in safe space to delve into the magic of standing in our own power. Please bring a note pad. Interested please use the contact form to contact me for booking. Many thanks, look forward to meeting you.
Due to my food insensitivites I ask that you bring along food you prefer to eat.
HEALING WITH SPIRITUAL LIGHT 2 days. To be announced. 10am - 6pm £255. ALL DEPOSITS are NON REFUNDABLE I may transfer depending on circumstances. Balance of workshop is to be paid on the morning prior to starting the workshop, this honours and respects my teachings. PREREQUISITE JOURNEY SKILLS.
This a beautiful gentle weekend shamanic workshop, we will learn the very heart of shamanic methods of transfiuration and transmutation, a wonderful training by Sandra ingerman where we also heal our personal toxins along with the environmental and plantary ones. We will invest ourselves in becoming our divine selfs, the true divinity that shines within ready to shine out into our world. A true gift of profound healing through the ancient shamanic methods of toning, filling with spiritual light, allowing our radiant light to come forth and touch the divine all around us, shining out into the environment. In healing ourselves we heal the beautiful earth we all live on creating a truely wonderful future for our children, the birds, the bees, the plants, the trees, and the animals. "This training is based on and includes some of Medicine For The Earth information. Healing with Spiritual Light teaches how to transform personal and environmental pollution by learning how to transmute negative beliefs, attitudes and energy which is generated by emotions. The process continues with learning how to work in co operatrion with Helping Spirits and Ancestors of the land as well as getting in touch with our own internal divine nature to create healing and transformation." Sandra Ingerman.
Please let me know if you would like to do any of the above mentioned workshops, as I can and do put them on for interested people, normaly on a Saturday, but if this is unsuitable I can do a weekday, contact me and let me know. I am more than happy to change dates or add dates as required and requested. Many thanks.
Sandra Ingermans trainings that I am approved to teach.
SHAMANS POWER PATH. Prerequisites Journey skills. On request. In this workshop we learn how to journey to meet our allies / power animals and journey divination work. We travel into the worlds that a shaman uses, the lower world, middle world and the upper world. We will continue to form a harmonious relationship with our guides/teacher in human form and power animal. We will have a look at where we lose power where we give our power away and where we steal power. The meaning of true power. This is a training workshop and you will give and recieve a power retrieval. How does the shaman view illness and so much more, lovely food, lovely company and some laughs along the way. Rediscover how we can benefit from unlocking our hidden talents for divination and healing. Prerequisite Journey skills. Hollow Bone. Repeats £95
MEDICINE FOR THE EARTH, Working with all elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, looking at how to transmute and transfigure, environmental and personal toxins. Prerequisites Journey Skills. This is an amazing 5 day workshop with the power to transform and change life for the utmost benefit of everyone and the Earth. I can add in the Healing with Spiritual Light to make it 5 days if prefered, please ask me.
HEALING WITH SPIRITUAL LIGHT. As above .This training is based on in parts Medicine For the Earth which teaches how to transform personal and environmental toxins and pollution. by learning how to transmute negative beliefs, attuttudes and energy which is generated by emotions. The process continues with learning how to work in co-operation with the spirits and ancestors of the land as well as getting in touch with our own internal divine nature to create healing and transformation, using the same process as Saints Mystics, Shamans and Sages, of ancient times. Reaching inside ourselves and drawing forward our true shining divine lights to be all we can be here in our Earthwalk. Prerequisite journey skills.
EXTRACTION. Advanced training, on request, please ask me.
In this workshop we learn how to pull and remove intrusions, harmful thought patterns, illness, and blockages form the body. Using transmutation methods to transform that which has held us back. In the ancient way of the traditional shamans. Freeing ourselves and our clients to live our lives in harmony. Only teaching this within the practitioner training, unless you have trained in everything else with another teacher or Sandra Ingerman. If your unsure please ask me. Prerequisites journey skills, shamans power path, soul retrieval, wisdom of words, behind the masks, - £255.
SOUL RETRIEVAL. Advanced training with prerequisites journey skills and shamans power path, on request for others repeating please ask.
5 Day workshop. In this workshop we look more in depth at soul loss and how it affects our well being. Another amazing powerful training. A truley magical in depth 5 days of ancient shamanic ceremonies of healing, a true understanding of the concept of soul loss, we will learn the beutiful gift to the world sandra ingerman has brought forward with this profound work, we will each give and recieve a soul retrieval. Get a better understanding of illness from a shamainc perspective. We will have many ceremonies with fire lighting our way into the true heart - felt love of a shamanic practitioner. A beautiful gift of working with true integrity for the benefit of humans, animals and the Earth. Learn what our souls into the world to do. I allow people who have already trained in Sandra Ingermans work to do this with me. So far I am only doing this in the practitioner training. If your unsure please contact me. I also welcome repeats for this wether you trained with me or not.
DEATH AND DYING. Prerequisite Journeying skills. Dates above
The workshops for the shamanic practitioner training:-
A 2 hour healing session with myself in person (does not include distance or depossession work). Hollow Bone ( 2 days) Wisdom of words (2 days) Shamans power path (2 full days) Healing with spiritual light, (2 days) email work. Soul retrieval, (5 full days) *Behind the masks,(2 full days) *Extraction (2 full days) *Death and Dying (2 full days) Graduation. (1day, )
Please be aware that the practitioner training is training, you do not experience the full benefits of the 2 hour shamanic healing sessions on the training. This is why I insist you do a 2 hour healing session with me, this way you know what your client will experience and what to do. On the practitioner training you will be working in pairs and have 20 mins each then back to focus of the training.
Apply to me using the contact page please if you are interested in this. (*Optional Behind the Masks, Death and Dying)).
Each workshop/course is paid for seperately. Unless you are certain you want to commit to the full training as no refunds will be given. Local B and B's are available, in Falkirk for those travelling.
We meet every 2 months approximately or when is suitable for everyone. Other than the winter solstice as travelling etc is challenging, we have an email session here. If anyone does want to meet at winter solstice I will put on the workshop of Gift to our Guides. (Price reduction for courses that are already done that are on the list. By application only. I only work with small groups of people. 6 maximum. If you would like to pay each course seperately i will accept that and can give you the price list of individual workshops. I have a spare room on a first come first served basis and possibly 2 sharing. This training will have continuous evaluation throughout. You don't have to do it all at once I would however ask that you follow the courses in order. I have the right to end teaching if I am guided to proceed no further with you. As you have the right to leave when you are guided to.
SACRED SPIRIT TRANSITION / Depossession. The shamanic practitioner training is the pre-requisites. 10 - 6pm £355 This is advanced shamanic training. This will be an experimental workshop using shamanic methods to remove in a compassionate and loving manner possessing spirits, these earthbound spirits may be ancestors, they are mostly lost and confused. We will look at how a possession happens, where spirits attach themselves and how to remove them. An in depth look at the whole topic of possession and the removal of the earth bound that are trapped here, in a respectful manner. This is an advanced shamanic workshop, with prerequisites of the shamanic practioner course. I have been working closely with my guides to bring this material forward to those who are ready for this work.
This training will investigate how you can work in cooperation with helping spirits and the spirits of the land—as well as getting in touch with your own internal divine nature—to create healing and positive change.
With spiritual practices and learning how to shift our consciousness, we can add to all the brilliant environmental work going on today. But we must learn the power of integrating spiritual work into our daily lives." Sandra Ingerman
This is a wonderful opportunity for each of to immerse ourselves in the wilderness the beautiful grounds of the rustic house we will be staying in. With the river Carron nearby we can breath deeply of the tranquil air, and spend time with the ancient trees, in the grounds. Join me for some shamanic fun and healing for these amazing 5 days in a rural Falkirk.